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About me

Hello my name is Julia. I´m doing an internship at FabLab Brcelona from September 2023 to February 2024 and I´m happy to take you with me on my journey.

The internship is part of my Bachelor studies Textil design and Textile Arts at the University of Applied Science in Zwickau, Germany. The study program is very practical with a lot of own prjects and hands on experiences. It mainly deals with different traditional techniques to produce and design textiles. Therefore I learned the basics of lace making, weaving, knitting, embroidery and screen printing, but also §D-printing or working with different Design Softwares like Adobe Illustrator, Indesign or Photoshop.I´m very happy to expand my knowledge to new technologies, sustainability and biofabrication of textiles.

As a designer in training, and concerned about the climate crisis we are currently facing, I am convinced that the aim of new design must be to be sustainable, climate-positive and reusable or recyclable. That is why I identify with the cradle to cradle theory and the circular economy. I believe in working at a bioregional scale, valuing traditional techniques and natural resources. Also I´m very interest in versatile materials at the intersection of textiles, biology, digital fabrication and innovative techniques to create alternatives to current unsustainable textile production.

Colour plays an important role in my work, for example by overprinting or interweaving different colours to create new shades. I like to experiment with techniques and I want to make a positive impact with my designs.

Previous work

I want to invite you to have a look at my Portfolio to get a deeper insight into my work.

Furthermore you can also check out my Instagram


you can showcase the progress on your assignments on this page with a grid below an example from the documentation of Loes Bogers TextileLab Amsterdam 2019-20

Project management Digital bodies Circular fashion
Biochromes . . . E-textiles Biofabricating
Open-source hardware Computational couture Textile scaffold
Wearables SoftRobotics Skin electronics

And in week 11 I proposed my final project.